Monday, February 2, 2009

Uzebox Full Color Open Source Game Console (Only two chips used!)

The Uzebox is a homebrew game console based on an Atmel AVR microcontroller. The design goal was to be simple to assemble for any hobbyist and have great sound and graphics with absolute minimum hardware: an AtMega644 microcontroller, an AD725 RGB-to-NTSC converter...and a bunch of resistors!

You get 256 simultaneous colors, 240x224 (40x28 tiles) graphics, a 4 channels sound engine with MIDI driver, NES joysticks ports and a MIDI IN input to compose your own songs straight on the console. The kernel is fully interrupt driven to generates video sync, mix music, read joypads, etc. so games can be written in plain C, no insane cycle counting required :D !

Considering this is an 8-bit general purpose microcontroller with only 4K of RAM and 64k of ROM (and no external RAM or frame buffer), it was quite a challenge to cram all that stuff in there. The site has the schematic and all code is open source. The hardware open hardware! Have a look at the forums for updates (fully assembled Uzebox soon available in well know web shops!).

For now, I've completed a Tetris DS clone for the console.


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